Helping Personal Injury Attorneys and Adjusters achieve Swift, Successful Resolutions through Mediation

As a former personal injury attorney with 40 years of experience, I understand and have great respect for the work you do. My passion and calling is helping you reduce your caseload, save on costly trial expenses for cases likely to settle before court, and discover a greater level of peace and freedom in your career through my Relational Mediation™ Approach.

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Tony Mascolo
Enjoying the Benefits 

My Relational Mediation™ Approach allows you to...

Reduce Your Caseload 

Get pending cases off of your back that don’t need trial.

Optimize Settlements

Quickly achieve results you and your clients are proud of.

Save on Expenses

Increase profits by saving on unnecessary trial expenses.

Get Your Time Back

Recover bandwidth for cases that truly do need to go to trial.

Regain Your Freedom

Experience a greater level of peace and freedom in your career.

Just like attorneys and adjusters have their own clients, I consider attorneys and adjusters to be my clients. And because I was a personal injury attorney myself for 40 years, I understand what you’re dealing with. Whether you’re representing the plaintiff or the defendant, you may be facing one or more of the following frustrations:

  • Case Overload: Stressed and overworked from an overwhelming number of cases piling up for years.
  • Cost of Litigation: Concerned with losing money on cases due to ever-increasing trial and appellate expenses.
  • Trial Uncertainty: Fighting uncertain and unfavorable circumstances due to the nuances of a jury or a court location that could potentially lead to dissatisfactory outcomes.

I'm Tony Mascolo

and I get these struggles because I dealt with them for 40 years, until a unique set of experiences in both my career and personal life led me to my calling as a mediator serving some of the best attorneys and adjusters in the business. 

Did you know that according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only about 3 to 4 percent of personal injury cases actually go to trial? I found that quite astounding! That also means that attorneys often spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for court on cases that never even go to trial and could have been resolved much earlier. 

Since the large majority of cases are going to settle, it is my mission to help you settle before time and expenses are wasted and help to quickly get you to an outcome that you and your clients are excited about and proud of.

My journey to becoming a mediator really is a culmination of the respect I've had for lawyers since my childhood in the Bronx, as well as carrying forward my father's legacy of resolving disputes through the art of respect and relationship.


Here's how to get started

Step 1 

Book a Complimentary Call to Begin the Process.

Step 2

Discuss the Opportunity to Successfully Resolve More Cases.

Step 3 

Begin the Mediation Process and Enjoy a Lighter Caseload and more Freedom.

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Have a large majority of your cases reached Mediation Tipping Point?

I believe that there are potentially at least 50% of your current cases that have reached what I call the “Mediation Tipping Point,” where the nuances of the case reach a point at which it would be of greater benefit to go to mediation and get the case off your back rather than drag it out in court so you can reserve your energy for the cases that really do need to go to trial.

This is where mediation comes in, and I truly believe that it is a powerful asset to attorneys’ and adjusters’ careers. I believe good mediation is about getting to a highly-successful settlement that both parties are thrilled with as quickly and smoothly as possible so they can not only preserve their energy for the cases that do need to go to trial, but also for their lives and the people most important to them. I would love to help you discover which cases are ripe for meditation and that we could resolve quickly and successfully together.

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It isn’t just mediation that makes the difference - it is how you approach meditation.

No two meditations are alike, and I developed the Relationship Mediation Method to meet the very personalized needs of each mediation to get to a successful resolution and smoothly and quickly as possible.

Build the Relationship

In a private pre-mediation Zoom meeting, I get to know you, your concerns, and what's important to you (kept confidential unless you state there are aspects you want me to share). The better I understand your desires and concerns, the better I can advocate for a resolution you and your client are excited about and proud of.

Personalized Preparation

After reviewing case materials, I identify points of common ground to establish the matters that need little to no discussion so we can potentially reduce mediation time by 50%, saving money and frustration. Then, I consider points of friction, case nuances, party desires, concerns, and any delicate personal dynamics to create a customized format for the smoothest, most successful mediation possible.

Resolve with Success

I facilitate the personalized approach, addressing common ground first for immediate relief. As we continue forward addressing the points of friction, I keep the mediation flowing smoothly towards a successful settlement and make any necessary adjustments along the way. My goal is to get another case off your back, help you achieve a result you and your client are proud of, and provide a positive experience that makes your job happier and more peaceful.

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